( Apartment Life for Ultimate Collection Bon Voyage for Super Collection.). For players with compilations such as Ultimate Collection and the The Sims 2: Super Collection, that will be the latest EP included in the compilation. In these cases, players should be sure to get the version for the latest expansion pack they have. Note: Some mods will have several versions for different expansion packs. Note: Some mods for The Sims 2 will cause occupied residential lots to reset, in the same way that installing a new expansion pack or stuff pack does. Players should always make sure they are downloading the correct version for the latest expansion pack they have, and that there is a version for that expansion pack.
Note that mods may have more than one version, and that some mods were not updated for later expansion packs.
While no list of mods for the various The Sims games can be anywhere close to complete, this is a (very) partial list of some of the more useful, interesting, or popular ones.